Tag: iran

Radio Farda’s Interview with Dr Seyed Azmayesh – Free the political and religious prisoners in Iran.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADJC18XcmBs&feature=youtu.be   Published on Feb 11, 2014The International Organization to Preserve Human Rights in Iran (IOPHRI): Free the political and religious prisoners in Iran.Following the series of demonstrations in various cities of Europe, on Saturday 8th February 2014, the IOPHRI performed another demonstration in Berlin, to defend the rights of political and religious prisoners in […]

Weekly Report on Human Right Violation in Iran (11-02-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. Mohammad-HosseinKarroubi, son of Mehdi Karroubi, wrote on personal facebook account that “Despite the fact that it has been three years since the Islamic Republic’s political and judicial authorities have been incorrectly claiming that MrKarroubi was under house arrest inside of his own house, he was transferred […]

Iran Says It Agreed To Seven ‘Practical’ Nuclear Measures

  Iran has agreed to take seven practical, preliminary measures on nuclear cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The pledge came in a joint statement by Tehran and the IAEA, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, on February 9. The measures include giving the IAEA access to the Saghand mine in Yazd, the Ardakan concentration […]

Increasing attempts to stop growth of Christianity in Iran

  Mohabat News, an independent Iranian Christian website, says the regime’s attempts to stop the growth of Christianity in the country have reached new heights. More and more converts are being arrested and churches are under pressure to reduce their congregations. St. Peter’s Church in Tehran reports that many Iranians who have converted to Christianity […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (04-02-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran1. Prisoners of Rajaei Shahr Prison stated that they are going to refuse to receive state prison rations for three days, in protest against the resumption of interference noise, closure of the library in the hall 12, offensive inspections and mandatory uniforms for prisoners. It is said that […]

Iran’s New Methods of Internet Filtering Put Users At Risk

  New concerns about the safety of Internet communications have emerged following statements by Iranian authorities about the government’s utilization of new, more complex, and undetectable filtering methods. The new methods used by government organizations not only limit access to Internet websites, but they also put the users’ communication security at risk, making them vulnerable […]

Report Says Obama Plans Saudi Visit Amid Tensions Over Iran

  A prominent U.S. newspaper is reporting that U.S. President Barack Obama is planning to travel to Saudi Arabia in March in an attempt to smooth tensions with the kingdom over U.S. policy on Iran and Syria. “The Wall Street Journal,” quoting Saudi officials, reported on January 31 that Obama is preparing to meet with […]

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