Tag: iran

MEPs Condemn Violence Against Christians

  The European Parliament has passed a resolution, condemning violence and persecution against Christians in Syria, Pakistan, and Iran. MEPs expressed “deep concern” on October 10 about the general situation of religious minorities in Pakistan, especially the Christian churches. They urged the authorities to overhaul the blasphemy laws, saying they can be misused against people […]

Iran Steps Up Threats To Sufis

  The title of Ferghe News, an Iran-based website, means “Cult News.” It is dedicated mainly to defaming Sufi Muslims. But Ferghe News, following the ideological posture of the Iranian clerical dictatorship, also condemns the Saudi-based Wahhabi sect (historically the most violent enemies of the Sufis), the Baha’is, never favored by Khomeinist Tehran, and “New […]

On the Occasion of Universal Children’s Day in Iran on 8 October (17 Mehr)

No text, no commentNo statement….no message and no wordAll the words are in your sights…in the kiss from behind the glass…In the world away from politics and power, apart from the majority and the minority,Beyond the walls of religion and faith,A World where is far away from here,O Children of Patience! Happy your day! Innocent […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (05/10/2013)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran1. On Saturday 28th September 2013, some of members of The World Organisation on Human Rights in Iran, by organizing gathering on humanity and peace, demanded the freedom of all political and ideological prisoners in Iran. This human loving move, which lasted for half a day was first […]

Iran Should Halt Executions as Rate of Hangings Accelerates

  The Iranian authorities should impose an immediate moratorium on executions in Iran given the alarming rise in the use of the death penalty in recent weeks, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center said today. As World Day Against the Death Penalty approaches on October 10, […]

Iran triumphs at Asian volleyball championship

  Iran won the Asian Men’s Volleyball Championship in Dubai today, Sunday October 6, by beating South Korea 3-0. That was Iran’s seventh consecutive victory in this year’s championship. Iran had reached the final by toppling powerhouse Japan on Saturday in another 3-0 victory. The Iranian team prevailed over Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Japan, Lebanon and […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (28-09-2013)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. On Sunday 22nd September 2013, a group of families of offenders who have been accused of drug trafficking, and have been sentenced to death, gathered in front of the parliament and demanded for an alternative punishment for these offenders. Iran’s high rate of executions passed by […]

Next Step: Face Meeting Between Heads of Iran and the US

  Daughter of head of the Expediency Council Faezeh Hashemi tells Rooz that the telephone conversation between Hassan Rowhani and Barak Obama can result in a face-to-face meeting between the leaders of the two countries. In an exclusive interview with Rooz, Faezeh said that if the current course between the two countries did not suffer […]

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