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Tag: Hospital

Transferring of the other Dervishes from hospital to an unknown Place

  According to the Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s reporter, on Tuesday 22 Shahrivar 1390 (13 September 2011) at 8 p.m. Mohammad Ali Sadi and Asghar Karimi from the wounded Dervishes of Kavar events who were in a critical health condition , were transferred from Shiraz Rjaei Hospital to an unknown place by the security and plain-clothes […]

Transferring a Gonabadi Dervish from hospital to an unknown place

  According to Majzooban  noor reporter ,Ebrahim Fazli  who had been shot directly  by police officers at the entrance of Kavar city,after transferring to Shiraz Rajaee  hospital and medical care, under tight security  measures  was moved to an unknown place  by plainclothes  at 5 o’clock on Saturday afternoon .

Concern for Abdollah Momeni’s hearing and his overdue transfer to the hospital

  Abdollah Momeni, student activist and spokesperson of the Alumni Association of Iran (Adavar-e Tahkim Vehdat) has become extremely weak. Medical personnel have diagnosed his shattered eardrum as being damaged as a result of the beatings and tortures he endured during his interrogations.

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