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Tag: special rapporteur on human rights for iran

UN Members Strongly Criticize Executions and Lack of Basic Freedoms in Iran

  At Monday’s meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed presented his report on the situation of human rights in Iran. Following his presentation, representatives of member countries, NGOs, and the Iranian delegation offered their responses. In the 10-minute presentation of his statement, Shaheed said he had made several […]

UN Rapporteur Slams Iran for Lack of Judiciary Independence and Execution Surge

  Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, released his third report to the UN Human Rights Council today, emphasizing alarm over the surge in the number of executions, as well as lack of independence of the Iranian Judiciary. For his research the Special Rapporteur interviewed more than […]