Deuter der Sehnsüchte, Tarjuman al-Ashwaq von Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi (Autor), Wolfgang Herrmann (Übersetzer), Volume 2 Two complete translations of the Tarjuman al-Ashwaq into German have appeared in 2016. A review of Weidner’s translation – Der Übersetzer der Sehnsüchte: Gedichte – appeared on August 23, 2016 in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany’s largest newspaper. The subtitle for the […]
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The way of Sufi (part two)
The Truth Lies in Your Heart The base postulate of Sufism. as with all mysticism, is that there is no need for blissful faith in a supposed truth, as advocated by dogmatic religions. All answers lie within the self, deep in the heart. Sufism teaches the follower who sincerely seeks the truth to develop the […]
The Sufi’s Path
Sufism orders in islam ‘s world Introduction The Definition of SufismDifferent definitions have been given of Sufism (Tasavof) and gnosis (‘irfan), all of which amount to much the same thing. Tasavof is the journey of the soul in search of the Truth, as well as its arrival. This is the renunciation of everything but God. […]
Sharia and Tariqa Sides of the Quran(part one)
Dr. Nour Ali Tabandeh (majzoobalishah) In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate In the holy Quran, God says:“Tell them: “I f you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your faults. Allah is forgiving and merciful.”2 The Prophet had two sides: the sharia; announcing the rules in […]
Elderly Sufi cleric was beheaded by ISIS savages in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula for ‘practising witchcraft’
Elderly Sufi cleric was beheaded by ISIS savages in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, 100-year-old had been kidnapped from in front of his home in Arish city, Images show a masked jihadist using a long sword to carry out beheading, ISIS brutes have beheaded a 100-year-old cleric – after accusing him of practising witchcraft. The frail prisoner, […]
Moses and khidr(part three)
Another point in this story is Joshua’s forgetting to tell Moses (AS) about reviving the fish. The secret is, on his inner path, Joshua had not reached a position to be able to serve Moses and did not deserve to accompany him, so he forgot about the fish reviving. Besides, Joshua did not know that […]
Tales of rumi: Chinese and the Greek Artists
The Chinese and the Greeks disputed before the Sultan which of them were the better painters; and, in order to settle the dispute, the Sultan allotted to each a house to be painted by them. The Chinese procured all kinds of paints, and coloured their house in the most elaborate way. The Greeks, on the […]
French Professor Henry Corbin to be commemorated in Tehran
IBNA- At a ceremony, the Association of Cultural Works and Luminaries in Tehran will commemorate the prominent French philosopher, orientalist and scholar of the Islamic and Iranian studies, the late Professor Henry Corbin. French Professor Henry Corbin to be commemorated in TehranAccording to IBNA correspondent, quoting from the public relations office of the Association of Cultural […]
Blast Kills More Than 50 at Crowded Sufi Shrine in Pakistan
The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for Saturday evening’s bomb attack on a crowded Sufi shrine in Pakistan’s southwestern Baluchistan province that killed at least 52 people and wounded around 100 others.Witnesses and doctors feared the death toll was expected to rise.Hundreds of people were present when the explosion occurred at the shrine about […]