Category: Articles

Could Sufi Islam be the cure-all?

Source: Islamic scholars and researchers agree that Sufism has the potential to cure those whose minds have been perverted by terrorism. Famous Sufis of previous generations include Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Fariduddin Attar – whose stories were later used by Chaucer – and the Spaniard Averroes, the ″great commentator″ on Aristotle. Many of their ideas passed […]

Arabisation has pushed South Asian Muslims away from Sufi heritage

LAHORE: The promotion of Saudi religious ideology and the Arabisation of Sub-Continental Islam is pushing Muslims away from the diversity and peaceful co-existence enshrined in their Sufi heritage, Sciences Po professor Christopher Jafferlot said on Sunday. He was speaking at a panel during the concluding day of the Heritage Now festival. He said the Sufi […]

Asia House Celebrate Sufi Poetry’s Influence On Contemporary Iranian Art

(by Asia House will be celebrating the 700th anniversary of Gulshan-i Raz, one of the greatest works of Persian (Sufi) poetry, written by Mahmoud Shabistari, in the early 14th century with ‘The Garden of Mystery’ an exhibition featuring contemporary art by the young emerging British artist, Taha Afshar. It will be supported with additional […]

Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy (Preface & Introduction)

Preface according to religious traditions and history of religions, man has never lived without a prophet and, at all times, religions or cultures left by prophet have provided a model or program for people’s lives. One of the most important lessons given by prophets has been the lesson of ‘thinking’: thinking about the world, and […]


By Charles Upton To set out on the Sufi path, two things are required. First, you must become a Muslim, and obey the universal norms of Islam. Secondly, you must find (God willing) a shaykh who is part of a valid silsila, a line-of-transmission stretching back to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon […]

Sufism in Egypt

Sufism (tasawwuf) is an Islamic modality that emphasizes self-purification and the attainment of spiritually advanced states through the assumption of specific practices and disciplines, typically through affiliation with a particular brotherhood and its leader, a sheikh. Sufism has deep roots historical roots in Egypt, and the Egyptian landscape is marked with hundreds of sites significant […]

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