Sufism (tasawwuf) is an Islamic modality that emphasizes self-purification and the attainment of spiritually advanced states through the assumption of specific practices and disciplines, typically through affiliation with a particular brotherhood and its leader, a sheikh. Sufism has deep roots historical roots in Egypt, and the Egyptian landscape is marked with hundreds of sites significant […]
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Sufism in Egypt
Sheikh of Gonabadi Dervishes Summoned & Banned to Travel
Here a report by Majzooban Noor says that, following the deprivation and ban of the elders (Spiritual Masters) of Nematollahi Gonabadi Order of travel to cities, and other areas out of their residence, yesterday Mr. Maroufi, ( Sadegh Ali ), a Sheikh of Nematollahi Gonabadi Order who has traveled to Ardabil city was summoned by […]
solar eclipse
On Aug. 21, 2017, skies darkened from Oregon to South Carolina in the first total solar eclipse visible from coast to coast across the United States in 99 years. The moon’s dark shadow swept across the United States in a total solar eclipse today, thrilling millions of spectators with a Great American Solar Eclipse, from […]
Muslim Saints and Mystics Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya’(Memorial of the Saints) Rabe’a al-Adawiya
The Sufi Path of Knowledge (Ibn al-Arabi’s Metaphysics of Imagination)
Author:William Chittick “For the first time in the history of Orientalism, a thorough study of Ibn al-‘Arabi’s thought is now available. William Chittick has given us a translation of numerous passages from the work of the Magister Magnus and placed them in their theological context, thus removing many misunderstandings that have prevailed both among Muslims […]
Ascension: Persian Symphonic Recitation from Khayyam to Rumi Composer & Conductor: Kambiz Roshan Ravan
Vocalist: Bijan Bijani mi writes in the beginning of his opus magnum Mathnawi, in this CD you can listen to the reed as well as selection of poems from poetry from Hafez, Sadi, Omar Khayyam and Rumi, all passion of Persian poetry and music blended together in a western context, poems read in English, sung […]
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Light & Shadow
Ibn ‘Arabi Study Retreat: ‘Fusus al Hikam’ – Abraham and Isaac
Monday, 4th September, 2017 Study Retreat led by Jane Clark Monday September 4th (7pm) to Sunday September 10th (2pm). The Fusus al Hikam, or ‘The Ringstones of Wisdom’, is a major work by the great Andulusian mystical writer, Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, and is considered to contain the essence of his teachings. An extended exposition on […]