Author: admin
Enrico Gerola to conduct performances in Tehran Culture
Sufism in the West
Jamal Malik and John Hinnels, eds. New York: Routledge, 2006, 207 pages.This edited volume, along with David Westerlund’s edited Sufism in Europe and North America (RoutledgeCurzon: 2004), are pioneering works, since the systematic study of this topic is still in its infancy. Its introduction and nine chapters bring together anthropological, historical, Islamicist, and sociological perspectives […]
In the memory of maryam mirzakhani
{youtube}HRM_AcqrIKk{/youtube} First woman as well as the first Iranian to win the Fields Medal…
Iranian Math Genius Mirzakhani Dies of Cancer
Two websites that have been publishing speeches and statments of Dr.Noor ali Tabandeh (spritual master of Gunabadi Dervishes) were blocked.
According to the report released by Majzooban Noor, a few hours ago, Cultural Website”Mazare Soultani” Broadcasting Website (audio & video), announcements and live broadcast of His Holliness Dr. Noor ali Tabandeh “Majzoub Ali Shah”, the Grand master (Gutb ) of Nimatollahi Gunabadi Order, was blocked by the command of the Filtering Committee in Iran. According […]
The Metaphysical Cause of Cancer
When my sister developed cancer earlier this year, I was anxious to discover the metaphysical cause of the disease.I have always believed that disease manifests on an energetic or emotional level first and then onto a physical level. In an energetic Universe, this theory holds true for the creation of everything and everyone. Louise Hay, […]
Sufi’s shrines
Moshtagh Ali shahThis attractive mausoleum belongs to a renowned Sufi mystic.The building dates back to Qajar era, while some parts of the structure are from Mongol era. With prominent blue-and-white-tiled roofs dating from the late Qajar period, this attractive mausoleum is the last resting place of several Kerman notables, but it’s remembered particularly (and named) […]