Author: admin

Sufism in the West

Jamal Malik and John Hinnels, eds. New York: Routledge, 2006, 207 pages.This edited volume, along with David Westerlund’s edited Sufism in Europe and North America (RoutledgeCurzon: 2004), are pioneering works, since the systematic study of this topic is still in its infancy. Its introduction and nine chapters bring together anthropological, historical, Islamicist, and sociological perspectives […]

Two websites that have been publishing speeches and statments of Dr.Noor ali Tabandeh (spritual master of Gunabadi Dervishes) were blocked.

According to the report released by Majzooban Noor, a few hours ago, Cultural Website”Mazare Soultani” Broadcasting Website (audio & video), announcements and live broadcast of His Holliness Dr. Noor ali Tabandeh “Majzoub Ali Shah”, the Grand master (Gutb ) of Nimatollahi Gunabadi Order, was blocked by the command of the Filtering Committee in Iran. According […]

Sufi’s shrines

Moshtagh Ali shahThis attractive mausoleum belongs to a renowned Sufi mystic.The building dates back to Qajar era, while some parts of the structure are from Mongol era. With prominent blue-and-white-tiled roofs dating from the late Qajar period, this attractive mausoleum is the last resting place of several Kerman notables, but it’s remembered particularly (and named) […]

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