{youtube}atV7Ybtkq6c{/youtube} William Falkner speech in Oxford Mississippi
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Albert Einstein
What was Rumi’s ‘secret’?
RNS) What do the 20th-century American Catholic writers Flannery O’Connor and Frank O’Hara have to do with Rumi, the 13th-century Persian Muslim poet? For Brad Gooch, who has written biographies of all three, quite a lot. “In my mind, if you put together Flannery O’Connor and Frank O’Hara you get Rumi,” Gooch said in an […]
The clouds, breeze, moon and the sun
Eid al-Fitr Celebration Held in Husseinieh Amirsulimani
Fasting People See a New Moon; We, the Eyebrow of the Friend Eid al-Fitr celebration, with the presence of Hazrat Haj Dr. NoorAli Tabandeh” Majzoub AliShah”, the Grand Gutb of the Nematollahi Gunabadi Order, among the many dervishes and followers of this Order, was held at Husseinieh Amirsulimani of Tehran, here morning on Monday. A […]
The sufi path of naghshbandi
A little history of Sufism and the Naqshbandi Order: Sufism has penetrated into the Western world at two far removed periods of history if we exclude the Muslim population of Europe in such lands as Albania and Bosnia. The first was what in the West is called the medieval period and in such lands as […]
Sufism in Somalia
Sufism (tasawwuf) is an Islamic modality that emphasizes self-purification and the attainment of spiritually advanced states through the assumption of specific practices and disciplines, typically through affiliation with a particular brotherhood and its leader, a sheikh. Most Somalis today are at least nominal members of a Sufi order and members of the same Sufi order […]
“Eid Al Fitr”
Tales of rumi :Moses and the Shepherd (Part Four)
The coming of a revelation (from God) to Moses–may peace be upon him– about excusing the shepherd After that, God spoke secretly into the inmost consciousness of Moses–secrets which cannot be spoken. (Divine) words were scattered upon Moses’ heart, (so that) vision and speech were mixed together. So many times he became lost of self,so […]