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Category: Cultural

Eid of Mabas

At some point Muhammad adopted the practice of meditating alone for several weeks every year in a cave on Mount Hira near Mecca. During one of his visits to Mount Hira, the angel Gabriel appeared to him in the year 610 and commanded Muhammad to recite the following verses:   Proclaim! (or read!) in the […]

Sheikh Bahai Prominent Scholar of Safavid Era

  Active ImageIranians commemorate the birth anniversary of Sheikh Bahaei on April 23.Shaykh Baha’ ad-Din al-‘Amili, Shaykh Bahai (February 1547 – 30 August 1621) was a scholar, philosopher, architect, mathematician, astronomer and poet in 16th-century Iran. He was born in Baalbek, Lebanon but immigrated in his childhood to Safavid Iran with his father. He wrote […]

Gulestan Of Saadi : CHAPTER I – The Manners Of Kings ( Story 16-19 )

Persian Language & Literature “Gulestan”Saadi Shirazi, Sheikh Mosleh al-Din Story 16 One of my friends complained of the unpropitious times, telling me that he had a slender income, a large family, without strength to bear the load of poverty and had often entertained the idea to emigrate to another country so that no matter how […]


Muslim Saints and Mystics Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya’ ( Memorial of the Saints ) by Farid al-Din AttarTranslated by A. J. Arberry Abu Yazid al-BestamiAbu Yazid Taifur ibn ‘Isa ibn Sorushan al-Bestamiwas born in Bestam in north-eastern Persia, thegrandson of a Zoroastrian; there he died in261(874) or 264(877), and his mausoleum stillstands. The founder […]

Norouz; Declaration of Iranians’ Livelihood, Eternity

Norouz; Declaration of Iranians’ Livelihood, Eternity A Short speech about The Persian New Year Dr. Ali Shariati To say something new about Norouz is a difficult task. Norouz is a national celebration and everyone knows what a national celebration us. Norouz is celebrated every year, and talked about each year again. Much has been said […]

Iranians Celebrate Chahar-Shanbeh Soori, Festival of Fire

  Sorkhie to az man, Zardieh man az to, literally means your redness (health) is mine, my paleness (pain) is yours. This phrase is whispered in Chaharshanbeh Soori, ancient purification ritual, while people jump over the fire.Châhârshanbe Suri is a fire jumping festival celebrated by Persian people around the world. The event takes place on […]

Attar: Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tazkarotol-Oulia) Part 8: Dho ‘l-Nun al-Mesri

Muslim Saints and Mystics Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya’ ( Memorial of the Saints ) by Farid al-Din AttarTranslated by A. J. Arberry Dho ‘l-Nun al-Mesri Abu ‘l-Faiz Thauban ibn Ebrahim al-Mesri, called Dho ‘l-Nun, was born at Ekhmim in Upper Egypt c. 180 (796), studied under various teach-ers and travelled extensively in Arabia and […]

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