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The Role of Appearances

FOR exoterism, appearances have little importance, unless it be that Revelation and Tradition concern themselves with them to a certain degree; for pure esoterism, on the contrary, appearances have all the importance that results from their nature on the one hand, and from the nature of man on the other.

Dharmakara’s Vow

THE notion of "myth" is one which generally evokes an image of traditional stories that are full of symbolism but more or less devoid of historical foundation. Now this latter opinion should not enter too peremptorily into the actual definition of myth; it is sufficient to say that the function of myth is such that […]

The Void in Islamic Art

STRICTLY speaking, the forbidding of images in Islam refers only to images of the Divinity; it is thus situated in the perspective of the Decalogue, or more exactly of Abrahamic monotheism, which Islam renews: in its last as in its first manifestation, this monotheism is directly opposed to idolatrous polytheism…

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