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Tag: Environmental issues

Drying wetlands in 40 regions contributing to air pollution

  The head of biodiversity for the Department of the Environment reports that 40 wetland areas in Iran have partially or completely dried out. IRNA reports that in 40 regions, the wetlands have dried out anywhere from 20 to 100 percent, and the main cause is the lack of effective management of water resources. Agricultural […]

Ahwaz citizens form third chain to protest river diversion

  Protesters formed a human chain on the banks of the Karoon River yesterday, November 1, in their third such demonstration against the transfer of water from the river. Kordpa reported on Friday that thousands of Ahwaz residents participated in the protests against transfering river water to Isfahan, Rafsanjan and other central areas of the […]

Minister warns against finger-pointing in efforts to save lake

  Iranian Minister of Power Hamid Chitchian told a meeting for the rescue of Lake Oroumiyeh today that the correct approach is not to point fingers at perpetrators of the crisis but rather to find solutions.” All our actions and those of the people in the region have led to the current situation,” Chitchian said; […]

Human-chain protest brings halt to mining activities

  Over the past two days, hundreds of mountain climbers and environmental activists from across Iran have gathered in Kerman to create a human chain around Kouhshah (Mount King) in an effort to halt mining activities in the mountainous region. The Mehr News Agency reports that the construction activities have destroyed parts of the mountain […]

Industrial pollution in Arak inspires yet another protest

  Protests were held today in the city of Arak, with citizens demanding that authorities take immediate to reduce environmental pollution. Today’s demonstration marked the thirteenth time that people in Arak have staged a protest to demand clean air. The city of Arak is home to 600 industrial units and factories that contribute heavily to […]

Groups advise Rohani on cultural, environmental leaders

  Sixty organizations active in the fields of cultural heritage and the environment have written a letter to president-elect Hassan Rohani with recommendations for leadership of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism and Environmental Protection Organizations. The Sabz Press website reports that the letter recommends Mehdi Hojat as the head of Cultural Heritage and Massoumeh Ebtekar […]

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