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Tag: Iranian parliament

Probe finds more students received bursaries unfairly

  The investigation into the former administration’s practice of offering bursaries to ineligible students has uncovered 3, 731 cases of these irregularities so far. The head of the Parliament’s Education and Research Commission has announced that these students received bursaries without meeting the necessary GPA criteria, a practice that has called the entire system into […]

Health Minister challenges law against birth control

  According to Radio Zamaneh, Iran’s Minister of Health has challenged the new legislation passed by Parliament to criminalize vasectomies and tubectomies, saying the legislation is in violation of citizens’ rights. ISNA reports that Mohammad Esmail Motlagh, the ministry’s head of population, family and school health, was commenting on the new legislation passed in Parliament […]

Iran outlaws birth-control methods, promotion

  According to Radio Zamaneh, Iran’s Parliament has passed legislation criminalizing “abortion, sterilization, vasectomies, tubectomies and any promotion of childbirth reduction” under penalty of two to five years in jail. The Ministry of Guidance is now charged with identifying entities that spread propaganda aimed at limiting births so that judicial authorities can deal with them. […]

Official calls for Ahmadinejad’s prosecution

  According to Radio Zamaneh, Gholamali Jafarzadeh, a member of Iran’s Planning and Budget Commission, says former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must be indicted for the many “offences” committed by his government. Jafarzadeh told Parliament’s news agency he does not accept the rationale that Ahmadinejad’s offences can be neglected because he is no longer in power. […]

Student bursaries from Ahmadinejad era under scrutiny

  Parliament is investigating the list of students who received bursaries under the ninth and tenth governments, the administrations of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ghassem Jafari, a spokesman for Parliament’s Education and Research Commission, said education ministry officials have two weeks to hand over the list of students. ISNA reports that according to Jafari, 3,000 students are […]

MP requests permit to let U.S. scholar be buried in Iran

  Ali Motahari, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s Cultural Commission, has called on the government to issue a permit to allow Richard Nelson Frye, the recently deceased American scholar and expert on Iranian and Central Asian Studies, to be buried in Isfahan. Ali Motahari addressed Parliament on April 10, calling on the administration of […]

“EU Must Stand Firm Despite Hardliners’ Fury”

  Hardline officials in Iran have lashed out at the European Union after the EU Parliament’s passage of a resolution that called for all EU members to “mainstream” human rights in their relations with the Islamic Republic. These officials were already furious over EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton’s visit with activists during her recent trip to […]

MP Motahari summoned once again for comments

Ali Motahari, the outspoken Iranian MP, was once again summoned by the judiciary on Wednesday February 19 for his critical views. Khaneh Mellat reports that Ardebil MP Kamaleddin Pirmoazen confirmed the news, calling the summons “illegal and unfair.” Last December, the Tehran Prosecutor announced that Motahari is facing charges for some of his statements in […]

British delegation due in Tehran on Tuesday for three-day visit

  Iranian Parliament announced that the British parliamentary delegation led by former British foreign minister Jack Straw will arrive in Tehran on Tuesday January 7. IRNA reports that according to the announcement, the British delegation will be in Tehran for three days and will meet with a number of political and economic officials as well […]

Audit chief dismisses Mortazavi’s talk of suing officials

  The head of Iranian Parliament’s Investigations and Auditing Committee has dismissed Saeed Mortazavi’s statements about suing government officials for probing into allegations of corruption against him. Mortazavi’s lawyer announced yesterday that his client is filing suit against the minister of labour and the head of Parliament’s Investigations and Auditing Committee for “libel and defamation.” […]

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