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Attar: Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tazkarotol-Oulia) Part 6-Section 1: Ebrahim ibn Adham

    Ebrahim ibn Adham by Farid al-Din Attar Abu Eshaq Ebrahim ibn Adham, born in Balkh of pure Arab descent, is described in Sufi legend as a prince who renounced his kingdom (somewhat after the fashion of the Buddha) and wandered westwards to live a life of complete asceticism, earning his bread in Syria […]

Attar: Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tazkarotol-Oulia) Part 5 : Al-Fozail ibn Iyaz

      Al-Fozail ibn Iyaz by Farid al-Din Attar Abu ‘Ali al-Fozail ibn ‘Iyaz al-Talaqani was born in Khorasan, and in the beginning of his career he is said to have been a highwayman. After conversion he went to Kufa and later to Mecca, where he resided for many years and died in 187 […]

Attar: Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tazkarotol-Oulia) Part 3

    Habib al-Ajami Habib ibn Mohammad al-‘Ajami al-Basri, aPersian settled at Basra, was a noted traditionistwho transmitted from al-Hasan al-Basri, IbnSirin, and other authorities. His conversion froma life of ease and self-indulgence was broughtabout by al-Ha’an’s eloquence; he was a frequentattendant at his lectures, and became one of hisclosest associates.

Athletic, Muslim, Fashionable – a Tale of the Sports Hijab

 Female Muslim athletes who observe a strict Islamic dress code sometimes face the question of whether they will be allowed to participate in major competitions — with their heads and most of their bodies covered. Now, one Iranian-Canadian woman is marketing a product to change that. It complies with the requirements of many major sports, […]

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