Rumi has a special place in his heart for the Prophet of Islam because he proposed a high level of ethics for humanity, such as freeing slaves and taking care of the poor.
Tag: prophet
Holy Prophet Muhammad’s Quotes
“Do not envy one another; do not hate one another; do not turn away from another; and do not undercut one another, but be you. O servants of Allah, brothers.”
There is a humble translation of the Prophet’s historic Ghadir Khumm sermon.(1)All Praise is due to Allah who is exalted in His Unity, Near in His Uniqueness, Sublime in His Authority, and Magnanimous in His Dominance. He knows everything; He subdues all creation through His might and evidence. He is Praised always and […]
Masnavi e Manavi :The Prophet and his Infidel Guest.
Book V.STORY I.AFTER the usual address to Husamu-‘d-Din follows a comment on the precept addressed to Abraham, “Take four birds and draw them towards thee, and cut them in pieces.
Hasan Al-Basri
Birth: In Madinah during the reign of Sayyidinah Umar (R.A). Born in 21 AH, his father was a freed slave of Zaid ibn Thãbit (R.A), a famous companion of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hasan Basri (R) was himself brought up in the house of Ummul Mu’meneen Ummi-Salmah (R.A).
Congratulation for the raising of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him to his honest followers
“Thou! who believe in the book, we sent to you the representative and the prophet of God, to state to you what you conceal of the divine book. The prophet elected by God grants to you a book named Quran, to guide you. One who follows him, will be prosperous, lucky is the one who […]