Tag: Sarvestani

The Necessity Permit To Pray For Gonabadi Dervishes In Adel Abad Prison And More Negative Propaganda Against Mysticism And Sufism

According to Majzooban reporter, Messrs.Saleh Moradi Sarvestani, Kazem Dehghan and Hamid Reza Arayesh who were transferred to Green ward of Adel Abad prison in Shraz, have been punished by displacement and separation within the last few days .

Unawareness from situation of Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani, one of Majzooban Noor Website’s managers

  Campaign to Honor the Rights of Dervishes : likewise there is not any information about Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani whose detention by the security forces has been lasted from Shahrivar 13, 1390 (September 4, 2011), and his situation is unknown.

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