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Tag: Sunnis in Iran

Senior cleric pleads case of Sunni Muslims on death row

  Senior Sunni cleric Mowlavi Abdolhamid has written to Iran’s Supreme Leader urging him to stop the execution of “26 Sunni men in Karaj’s Rejai Shahr Prison” who’ve been sentenced to death. Mowlavi Abdolhamid’s website reports that in a letter dated September 19, 2013, the Friday Mass Imam of Zahedan addresses Ayatollah Khamenei, writing: “In […]

Lack of Sunnis in cabinet irks religious leader

  Mowlana Abdolhamid, the senior leader of the Sunni community in Zahedan, says he’s disappointed that no Sunni ministers were included in Hassan Rohani’s proposed administration. Mowlana Abdolhamid’s press office reports that in the Fetre Eid mass prayers, the Sunni Imam told worshippers that there are several “powerful and eligible” Sunni leaders that could have […]

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