Tag: iran

Human Rights Watch: Afghan Refugees and Migrants Face Abuse

  Thousands Denied Refugee Rights, Summarily Deported   The 124-page report, “Unwelcome Guests: Iran’s Violation of Afghan Refugee and Migrant Rights,”documents how Iran’s flawed asylum system results in a detention and deportation process with no due process or opportunity for legal appeal. Iranian officials have in recent years limited legal avenues for Afghans to claim […]

UN Shows Strong Support for Human Rights in Iran with 83-to-36 Vote

http://www.iranhumanrights.org/wp-content/uploads/Iran-countries-Nov-19-2013.png  (November 19, 2013) – The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran welcomes the United Nations General Assembly’s Third Committee vote today overwhelmingly supporting human rights in Iran, and urges the Iranian government to comply with UN human rights mechanisms and take concrete steps to address the ongoing violations in the country. Resolution A/C.3/68/L.57 […]

Pollution problems in Iran set to intensify on Monday

  Tehran and several other industrial cities will face a severe decline in air quality beginning on Monday, according to Iranian meteorological reports. The head of Air and Weather Predictions, Abdolreza Omidvar, told the Mehr News Agency that on Monday and Tuesday, increased emissions will result in heavy pollution in Tehran, Isfahan, Arak, Karaj and […]

25 NGOs Urge UN Third Committee to Pass Iran Human Rights Resolution

  As the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee prepares to vote on the resolution on the promotion and protection of human rights in Iran on November 19, 25 human rights organizations have joined together to urge member states to vote in favor of the resolution. In a letter sent to UN member states, the […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (03-11-2013)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. Habib-Ollah Golpari-Pour’s relatives, who had come to the governmental centres in order to retrieve the dead body of Habib-Ollah, were confronted by officials while trying to take his body, in addition to receiving threats and a ban from holding a funeral for him. The father of […]

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