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Tag: national

Ardeshir Amir Arjomand: “A Regime Facing a Legitimacy Crisis Will Even Transform Dialogue Over a Drying Lake Into A Matter of National Security”

  Sunday August 28th, 2011 – [Kalame] Ardeshir Amir Arjomand, spokesperson for the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope and senior adviser to Mir Hossein Mousavi criticized the recent heavy security atmosphere in Orumieh and Tabriz and the regime’s illegal  handling of the peaceful protests of the citizens expressing their frustration regarding the […]

Political tension Government develops “National Internet” to combat international Internet’s impact

  RSF – Communication and information technology minister Reza Taqipour Anvari announced at the start of July that the first phase of a “National Internet,” also called “Clean Internet,” will get under way at the end of August,offering an 8 Mbps speed broadband connection that will later rise to 20 Mbps and a national search […]

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