Tag: Article

Three Ni‘matullàhi Shrines (Dr. Mehrdàd Qayyêmi)

  Historians tell us that Sufism has been the main stream through the course of Iranian culture during its long history in the Islamic period. It is no surprise that this dominant cultural influence has been particularly manifest in architecture. Sufism has been given shape in most kinds of architectural works, both religious and secular. […]

The Renewer of the Ni‘matullàhi Order in Iran(Dr. Shahram Pazouki)

   Sufism is the spiritual reality of Islam, even if it was not known as “Sufism” at the inception of Islam. Phenomenologically speaking, it proves to be the essence of Islam, which gives life to it, like the soul gives life to the body. In Sufi terminology, Islam has two aspects: sharí‘at, its outer dimension, […]


  Nêr al-Dín Shàh Ni‘matullàh Walí (1331-1437) is primarily known as a Sufi and the founder of the order that is named after him, an order which has experienced a revival in the past two centuries in Iran. What has added to Shàh Ni‘matullàh’s fame in Iran in recent decades is the publication of his […]

Observations on the Meaning of Bayat(Hajj Dr. Nur ‘Ali Tabandeh)

Bay‘at literally means buying and selling, and comes from the word bay‘, although it pertains to a specific type of buying and selling. In the Qur’àn, the following verse is specifically about bay‘at, in which God says:   (Verily, Allah has purchased from the faithful their selves and their properties, and in return for them is […]

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