Today three United Nations experts spoke out against the continued detention of former Iranian presidential candidates Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi and cultural leader Zahra Rahnavard, as well as the recent detention and interrogation of their children. This Friday, February 15, will mark two years of the opposition leaders’ […]
Tag: UN
UN group demands release of Iranian lawyer
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) had found that the Islamic Republic’s incarceration of Iranian lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani is arbitrary, and the UN watchdog has called for his immediate release.
UN To Iran: Stop Journalist Arrests
Several UN human rights experts have called on Iranian authorities to immediately stop a recent wave of journalist arrests and to release those already detained.
UN Working Group Calls on Iran to Release the Opposition Leaders
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has issued an opinion “request[ing] the Government [of Iran] to release Hossein Mossavi, Mehdi Karoubi, [and] Zahra Rahnavard,” calling their detention “arbitrary (and thus prohibited).
UN General Assembly To Vote On Iran Rights Resolution
The United Nations General Assembly is expected to vote on a resolution criticizing Iran for widespread human rights abuses.
3 Kurdish Political Prisoners To Be Tried On Charges Of Contact With UN Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaeed
According to the Human Rights Activists News Agency, on October 11, 2012, Kurdish political prisoners Jahangir (Houshang) Badouzadeh, Ahmad Tamouei, Yousef Kaleh Memi, Ali Ahmad solaeiman and Mostafa Ali Ahmad, incarcerated in Oromieh prison, were transferred to the Intelligence Ministry’s detention in Oromieh.
UN Welcomes Caspian Sea Commitments
The United Nations has welcomed as “an important step” the renewed commitment of the five states bordering the Caspian Sea to protects its marine environment.
UN Nuclear Inspectors Visit Iran, Seek Access to Parchin Military Base
The delegation headed by Herman Nackaerts, the deputy head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has expressed hope that the group will be allowed to visit Parchin Military Base, a point of recent dispute with Iran.
UN Resolution Intensifies International Pressure on Iran
Wide Margin of 83-to-31 Vote with Broad Cross-Regional Support Resolution Calls for Release of Prisoners of Conscience The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran welcomes today’s passage of a resolution by the United Nations Third Committee of the General Assembly calling on the government of Iran to stop its massive human rights […]
Time for Brazil to Change Its UN Vote on Iran (Commentary)
In an opened published today in the Brazilian newspaper, O Estado de São Paulo, Camila Lissa Asano and Hadi Ghaemi discuss why Brazil should change its upcoming vote from Abstention and positively support an annual UN General Assembly resolution on the situation of human rights in Iran.