Allah’s countenance, source of referral for the worshippers of God, The voyager in Divine Pure Seas, His honorable name Haj Zain al Abedin and his spiritual title <<Mast Ali Shah>>.
Tag: Shia
29th Qutb His Holiness Hussein Ali Shah Isfahani
The Mystic unified with Divine Unity and The Divine Jurist, His Holiness Hussein Ali Shah Isfahani. His noble name Mohammad Hussein, the perfect Sheikh of his time, and in the external sciences as well as his levels of interior rank, there was no one equal to him.
28th Qutb His Holiness Reza Ali Shah Deccani
{jcomments on} The Propagator of Sharia, and the Reviver of Tarigha, the Guardian Gnostic, and the Glorious Sultan, His Holiness Reza Ali Shah of Deccan. His noble name Seyed Ali Reza and his spiritual title is Reza Ali Shah.
26th Qutb His Holiness Sheikh Mahmoud Deccani
The Sheikh with Grandeur and Manifestation of Origin, Commended Praiseworthy and Trustworthy, His Holiness Sheikh Mahmoud resident of Deccan.
Struggle With One’s Nafs
The behavioral absolutes of the shari’ah (Islamic law) set the outer limits that the Sufi must keep within. But the Sufi struggle with one’s nafs puts further curbs on the Sufi’s behaviour and consciousness. Usually this struggle is spoken of as having two dimensions: negation (nafy) and affirmation (ithbat), corresponding to the two components of […]
18th Qutb His Holiness Mir Shah Habib-e-din Mohebullah the First
The most perfect wayfarer and the greatest of learned His Holiness Mir Shah Habib-e-din Mohebullah the First. He was the fourth son of Shah Khalilullah son of Shah Nimatullah and vicegerent and successor of his honorable father.
Biography of Ma`ruf al-Karkhi (d. 200/201 H. in Baghdad)
1.Maruf Karkhi, known also by his full name Abu Mahfuz Maruf Ibn Firuz al-Karkhi, was a Sufi Saint who is a pivotal figure in Sufism. He came from a Christian background and the story of his conversion to Islam is one of the most famous in Islamic lore.
The Imam and the Qutb: The Axis Mundi in Shiism and Sufism
Zachary MarkwithThe earth shall never be empty of the witness of God (ĕujjat AllΪh).2In Christianity, Christ is envisaged as the Axis Mundi, or the cosmological andspiritual center around which the world rotates.
16th Qutb His Holiness Shah Naimatullah Wali
The Grand Master of the Order, The Father of the Clan, The Seyed of the Tarigeh, The Transcendent Jurist, His Holiness Seyed Shah Naimatullah Wali. His glorified name, Seyed Naimatullah son of Abdullah, as His Holiness himself in few verses stated that his corporeal genealogy through twenty intermediaries reaches to the Holy Prophet Hazrat […]
Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi rahmatullah alayhi
Abo ‘l-Qasem al-Junaid ibn Muhammad al-Khazzaz al-Nehawandi, son of a glass-merchant and nephew of Sari al-Saqati, close associate of al-Mohasebi, was the greatest exponent of the ‘sober’ school of Sufism and elaborated a theosophical doctrine which determined the whole course of orthodox mysticism in Islam.