Tag: assassination

This week, the music died

Amjad Sabri, a master of qawwali, the devotional music that is wildly popular across the Indian subcontinent and well beyond, was gunned down in Karachi, Pakistan. The man who spent his life singing the praises of the prophet Muhammad, continuing a centuries-long tradition of musical veneration, was accused of blaspheming the prophet, and he was […]

Sunni leaders speak out against assassinations

  Mowlavi Abdolhamid, Zahedan’s Sunni Friday Mass Imam, and a number of other senior Sunni leaders have condemned recent assassinations in the cities of Rask and Sarbaz in Sistan-Baluchistan Province. Sunni-on-line reports that Mowlavi Abdolhamid, as well as the management of the Zahedan seminary and the Society of Sunni Clergy of Zahedan, have issued separate […]