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Tag: crimes

Real Prisons and Imagined Crimes

  In a public appeal earlier this month, former President Muhammad Khatami called on “the authorities” to end the house arrest of former presidential candidates Mir Hussein Mousavi and Mehdi Karorubi before President-elect Hassan Rouhani takes office in August. Even from the point of view of the regime’s interests, Khatami’s appeal makes sense. If the […]

Mehdi Mahmoudian, Journalist Who Exposed Kahrizak Crimes, Denied Furlough, Now On Month 8 Of Fasting

            While three of the men accused of Kahrizak detention center crimes enjoy special treatment (three Judges were found to be the main culprits in the torture deaths of prisoners at Kahrizak by the Parliament, but have not as yet been put on trial for their crimes), the person who […]

The Coordination Council for the Green Path of Hope Blasts the Heinous Crimes of the Authoritarian Regime of Bashar Al Assad

  March 13th, 2012 – [Kaleme] In a statement addressed to the freedom and democracy seeking Syrian nation on the eve of the anniversary of their uprising against the totalitarian regime of Bashar Al Assad, and following the continued massacre of Syrian protesters and in particular the recent tragedy in the city of Homs, the […]