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Tag: dervish ceremonies

Security Services Threaten the Holder of Dervish Ceremonies in Jarahi

  Intelligence agents of Khuzestan province, consecutively; summoned the holder of religious ceremonies of Gonabadi dervishes in the city of Jarahi and interrogated.A report by Majzooban Noor goes on that Mr. Abdullahi, the holder of religious ceremonies of city Jarahi, here today morning at 10 am was summoned by the information and security agents of […]

Police Chief Threatens to Close the Dervish Ceremonies in Kavar

  Police chief commander of Kavar city summoned and interrogated one of Gonabadi Dervishes and threatened to close their place of worship if they continue holding dervish ceremonies in the city.Colonel Ebadi, police chief of city Kavar, summoned Mr. Kazem Dehghan, one of the dervishes who is responsible to hold weekly ceremonies in this city, […]

Gonabadi Dervish and Novelist, Ahmad Bigdeli Passed away

  The selected author of “Avaye Nahang” (Sound of the Whale) Ahmad Bigdeli who won the Iranian state book award in 2006, passed away Today, Wednesday, Shahrivar 26, 1393 (Sept 17, 2014).Gonabadi Dervish, Mr Bigdeli was responsible for holding Dervish ceremonies in the city of Yazdanshar in Isfahan Province.His books are “Andaki Sayeh”, “Avaye Nahang” […]