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Tag: dissidents

Iran Accelerates Crackdown on Media and Dissidents Prior to Election

  During a June 1 political rally for presidential candidate Hassan Rohani in Tehran (pictured), security forces reportedly arrested several youth campaign workers after slogans were chanted supporting the detained 2009 election opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. Photo credit: Siamak Ebrahimi/Tasnim News (June 10, 2013) Iranian authorities should immediately stop censoring newspapers and news websites, […]

300 leading dissidents: Release Tajzadeh from solitary and give him medical attention

            More than 300 Iranian activists have issued a statement demanding an easing on the restrictions on Mostafa Tajzadeh, one of Iran’s most prominent pro-reform figures, who is currently serving a six-year jail term in the quarantine ward of the notorious Evin Prison.