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Tag: Emergency transfer

Emergency Transfer of Omid Behroozi to Hospital

  Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Omid Behroozi was transferred to Taleghani hospital on an emergency basis past midnight for a few hours.According to reports by Majzooban Noor, Dervish rights defender, Omid Behroozi, who had a vein ruptured in his hand when Iranian guards and intelligence officials raided section 350 of Tehran’s Evin Prison, suddenly suffered […]

Emergency transfer to hospital of imprisoned Dervish Lawyer Mostafa Daneshjou

  Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish Lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou was taken to hospital on an emergency basis due to respiratory illness.According to Majzooban Noor, Dervish lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou on Saturday morning (Tir 15/July 6), because of trouble breathing due to his respiratory disease on an emergency basis was sent to “Shohada e Tajrish” hospital.Several times over the […]