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Tag: erfan halgheh

Mohammad Ali Taheri on Hunger Strike to Protest Three Years of Solitary Confinement

  A student of Mohammad Ali Taheri, the founder of Interuniversal Consciousness Theory, who has been in prison since 2011, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Taheri has embarked on a dry hunger strike (refusing both food and water) since last week to protest 3.5 years in solitary confinement inside the […]

Protest of Mohammad Ali Taheri’s students in front of Evin Prison

  Mohammad Ali Taheri’s students – a prisoner of conscience and the founder of Interuniversalism Mysticism – Erfaneh Halgheh – gathered in front of Evin Prison to protest against the imprisonment of their teacher and to express their concerns about his condition. HRANA reports that according to Sahamnews , on Tuesday , 18 November 2014, […]