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Tag: Guardian Council

Iran’s nuclear rights bill becomes law as deadline looms

  Iran’s Guardian Council has approved the bill recently passed by Parliament called the “Requirement to preserve nuclear achievements and nuclear rights”. IRNA reports that the provisions of the bill were passed in Parliament on Tuesday, and the Guardian Council ratified the bill today, June 24. The Guardian Council approved the bill despite the criticism […]

Ex Minister of Interior Tells Guardian Council: Who Authorized You to Screen Candidates?

  As elections for the next parliament get closer, concerns grow among hardline Principlists that their candidates may be disqualification by the Guardian Council to run in the voting. A former minister of interior during president Khatami’s presidency last week directly questioned the authority of the Guardian Council in vetting candidates to national elections. “Who […]

Council votes down law for volunteer morality enforcers

  The Guardian Council has voted against new legislation that supports plainclothes volunteers acting as morality enforcers, saying it contradicts provisions of the constitution. The legislation proposes to give legal support to the volunteers, who have been operating mostly under the guidance of Basij forces, and it had been approved by Parliament with a vote […]

Guardian Council May Approve Citizenship Rights Charter, Says Lawyer

  President Hassan Rouhani’s draft Citizenship Rights Charter, currently before the Guardian Council, may win approval, lawyer and head of the National Iranian Bar Associations Union Bahman Keshavarz told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. “The draft Charter is, in fact, the same as Chapter Three of the Iranian Constitution, which addresses the […]