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Tag: human rights violations

UN resolution voices global concern over human rights violations in Iran

  Yesterday the UN General Assembly strongly expressed its concerns over ongoing human rights violations in Iran. “Unfortunately, as today’s resolution demonstrates, Iranians do not enjoy even basic human rights, such as freedom of assembly or religious belief, and it is their own government that is the chief violator of their rights,” said Bani Dugal, […]

New Report Reveals Iranian TV’s Continued Human Rights Violations

  The United States should reinstate sanctions on Iran’s state TV and radio broadcasting agency, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), for the continuation of its widespread human rights violations, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. The US Treasury had issued a six-month waiver of IRIB sanctions in February 2014, […]

Human rights violations of Gonabadi dervishes in Iran: January 2011 – January 2014

  Dervishes in Iran continue to face a range of human rights violations, including intimidation, harassment, attacks on their prayer centres, destruction of community cemeteries, arrest and torture. They have been sentenced to long prison terms. Lawyers who defended the Sufis were removed from the judiciary or imprisoned themselves. Journalists who wrote about their complaints […]

UN Criticizes Tehran On Human Rights Violations

  The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution criticizing Iran for serious rights violations including torture and its “alarming” and frequent use of the death penalty. The resolution also welcomes human rights pledges by Iran’s new president, Hassan Rohani, such as eliminating discrimination against women and members of ethnic minorities. But the resolution criticizes […]

Iran continues to refuse entry to UN rapporteur

  Iran’s Human Rights chief, Mohammad Javad Larijani has stressed once more that Ahmad Shaheed, UN Rapporteur on Human Rights for Iran will not be allowed enter Iran adding that Shaheed lacks credibility because his only source of information is “anti-regime websites.” Larijani told Mehr News Agency: “Ahmad Shaheed in his reports refers to individuals […]