Tag: Imam Ali (AS)

Happy Eid al Ghadir to All Lovers and true followers of Imam Ali (as)

The following is a description of the historic event of Ghadir Khumm.The Farewell PilgrimageTen years after the migration (hijrah), the Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings be upon him and his Progeny] ordered to his close followers to call all the people in different places to join him in his last pilgrimage. On this pilgrimage […]

Condolences on the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam ‘Ali (AS); Literal Meaning of ‘Qadr’

  The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had prophesied the assassination of Imam ‘Ali (AS) and his issues. Regarding Imam ‘Ali (AS) he (PBUH) had said, “Oh ‘Ali! I see before my eyes thy beard dyed with the blood of thy forehead.”   On the 19th of Shahr Ramadhan of the year 40 AH, Imam ‘Ali (AS) […]