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Tag: Independence

Attorneyship Bill Challenges the Independence of Lawyers

  The Government’s recent decision to resume the process of adopting the Formal Attorneyship Bill, by presenting it to the parliament, has reignited concerns among Iranian lawyers and jurists over the potential impact of the proposed bill in further undermining the independence of lawyers in Iran. In my October 2012 report to the UN General […]

Lawyers Say Bill on Legal Profession Destroys Lawyer Independence

  From right to left, lawyers Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabaee, Farideh Gheirat, and Saleh NikbakhtIn separate interviews, three prominent Iranian lawyers shared their views about the “General Bill on the Legal Profession” stating that the bill’s approval will work against the independence of Iranian lawyers, and expressing hope that the new Iranian president would prevent its […]

Journalism after prison More independence, less workplace

  How do Iranian journalists deal with journalism after they are released from prisons? How does imprisonment affect their views as journalists? Does it make them conservative or courageous? Do prisons change their perspectives as journalists? asked these questions from journalists who were recently released from prisons. Independent Journalists Ignore Imprisonment of Iranian journalists […]

Need a Gathering to Examine the Independence of Lawyers

    On April 29th Mr. Mandanipour, the head of Iran’s bar associations announced, “Bar associations have the duty of defending the national interest and the highest expediencies of the country in addition to defending the rights of individuals. In view of the knowledge that members of bar associations have regarding legal issues at the […]