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Tag: Information Office

Five Gonabadi Dervishes Freed from Information Office in Kavar City

  Four Gonabadi dervishes from Varamin city who had gone for the trip to Kavar; afterward, with another dervish from the latter city had been arrested, today at noon were released by ending the interrogation.A report by Majzooban Noor says that these dervishes named Davoud Nasiri, Jafar Ahmadi, Morteza Kangarlou, Masoud Ahmadi, Zabihoullah Kourdpour, for […]

A Gonabadi Dervish Interrogated by Information Office in Khuzestan

  Mr. Ali Roustami one of the Gonabadi dervishes residing in Hendijan, a city of Khuzestan Province, was summoned and interrogated by the Information Office of Hendijan, one of the segments of Khuzestan Province.Reported by Majzooban Noor, the mentioned dervish working in the department of water and sewage, after several times overlooking the call summons; […]