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Tag: International

Many titles banned in first days of Tehran Book Fair

The 28th Tehran International Book Fair opened just yesterday and already several titles have been banned from the fair for various reasons. The Mehr News Agency reports that according to Homayoon Amirzadeh, the head of the Committee for the Investigation of Publishing Violations, a book of Fatemeh Ekhtesari’s selected poems has been banned from the […]

Pew Study Finds Broad International Disapproval of Iran’s Human Rights Record

  As Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rowhani prepares to take office in Tehran, he faces growing international concerns about the lack of personal freedoms in Iran. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center released on June 11, 2013, majorities in most of the countries polled asserted that Iran does not respect the rights […]

Iranian elected president of international rights body

  Iranian lawyer and human rights activist Karim Lahiji has been elected president of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), succeeding Souhayr Belhassen, who served as FIDH chief for six years. The report on the FIDH website indicates that Lahiji, who previously served as FIDH vice president and president of the League of Defence […]

Majid Tavakoli Wins the International Student Peace Prize

          Friday, 31 Shahrivar 1391 (September 21, 2012) Majid Tavakoli has won the 2013 International Student Peace Prize. According to Daneshjoo News, Tavakoli, one of the leaders of the Iranian student movement and a member of Tahkim Vahdat (the Office for Strengthening Unity), was announced as the winner of the International […]

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