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Tag: Iranian activist

Iranian activist jailed for four years: Maryam Shafi’ Pour

  Prisoner of conscience Maryam Shafi’ Pour has had her seven-year prison sentence reduced to four years on appeal. Maryam Shafi’ Pour’s sentence was reduced to four years’ imprisonment on 28 May, by Branch 54 of the Appeals Court of Tehran. Activist Maryam Shafi’ Pour had been sentenced to seven years in prison on 2 […]

Iranian Activist Says Her Release Is A Gesture, Not A New Era

When Nasrin Sotoudeh, a prominent Iranian human rights lawyer, was — along with 11 other high-profile political prisoners — many Iranians saw the move as opening a new era following the election of centrist President Hassan Rouhani. He had promised to release political prisoners rounded up after the contested 2009 elections, when thousands of protesters, […]

Iranian activist Mohammad Nurizad attacked and arrested, but not silenced

  Journalists and film-maker beaten then detained by security forces as he protested outside intelligence ministry in Tehran Members of Iran’s intelligence services have beaten up and temporarily detained a prominent journalist and film-maker critical of the authorities’ treatment of the opposition. Mohammad Nurizad, 61, was protesting in front of the Iranian intelligence ministry in […]