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Tag: jailed lawyers

Reporters Without Borders: Lives of detained Sufi journalists in the balance

      They began a hunger strike on 31 August in protest against prison conditionsReporters Without Borders is very worried about the many journalists and netizens who continue to be detained despite suffering serious ailments, and condemns the lack of adequate medical treatment in the prisons where they are held. There is currently a […]

Court of Judicial Discipline Acquits Judge Salavati

  Following lodging a letter of complaint by imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes against judge Salavati to the Court of Judicial Discipline in 1391 (2012), after several months of a delay in grievance investigation, the court officials found no violations in the case of Judge Salavati and ruled that he is acquitted.According to Majzooban Noor, a writ […]