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Tag: Martyrdom Anniversary

Republish: On the Occasion of Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Nights of Ghadr (nights of power)

  Ghadr Nights (19th, 21st and 23th Ramadhan) and the revelation of the holy Quran are the associated Quranic phrases, which have always been of different interpretations among mystics, philosophers and commentators. If the holy Quran revelation in part or whole be accepted, Ghadr Night, the time of holy Quran revelation, then conforms to philosophical […]

30 Safar Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Reza (A.S.)

  Some Samples of Imam Reza Ethical and Humane ConductGood manners constitute a significant part of one’s personality.They unveil the innermost nature of the individual, highlighting the extent of its purity of origin when it translates belief into action.The Imam was characterized by a most noble personality which won him the love of the commoners […]

Condolences on the Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam ‘Ali (AS); Literal Meaning of ‘Qadr’

  The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had prophesied the assassination of Imam ‘Ali (AS) and his issues. Regarding Imam ‘Ali (AS) he (PBUH) had said, “Oh ‘Ali! I see before my eyes thy beard dyed with the blood of thy forehead.”   On the 19th of Shahr Ramadhan of the year 40 AH, Imam ‘Ali (AS) […]

On the Occasion of Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ja’far Sadeq (AS)

  In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate  Today the 25th of Shawwal is the day on which was martyred the 6th Infallible Successor of Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny). We have prepared a special programme on the life and times of Imam Ja’far Sadeq (PBUH). “Whenever a […]