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Tag: members

Two More Members Of The Association Of Writers Sentenced To Imprisonment

  Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Pirabbasi, has sentenced Mohsen Ghashghaei to 2 years imprisonment on charges of assembly and collusion with intent to act against the national security. Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Ahmadi, has sentenced Mohamad Reza Ahmadi to 3 years imprisonment on the same […]

Members of the Association to Defend Child Laborers visit with Behnam and Nima Ebrahimzadeh

  On April 22nd, a number of child laborers along with members of the Association to Defend Child Laborers visited labor activist Behnam Ebrahimzadeh and his hospitalized son Nima at Mahak Hospital in Tehran. According to CHRR, members of the association and a number of child laborers from the Nemat Abad area went to the […]

Security and Intelligence Forces’s Outrageous Demand From Family Members of Dervishes

  The Families of imprisoned Dervishes announced that, the Ministry of Information has asked them to declare: “All detained dervishes in Tehran’s Evin and Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison are not Dervishes (!) and not related to Nematollahi Gonabadi order and would act independently!”According to Majzooban Noor, in an interview with “Raha News”, the wife of […]

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