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Tag: Molavi Abdolhamid

Security Forces Prevent Sunni Friday Congregational Prayers

  Iranian security forces barred Sunni worshipers from entering a Sunni prayer site in Tehran on Friday 9 January 2015, preventing them from holding congregational Friday prayers. According to the report published by “Saham” Website, security forces were deployed Friday morning in the Pounak neighborhood of Tehran, where they blocked roads leading to the Sunni […]

See Us

  The news of Molavi Abdolhamid’s meeting with Dr. Hassan Rohani was one of the most delightful pieces of news from last week, simply because for years our Shia and Sunni compatriots have suffered from disunion and separation. The geographical isolation of our Sunni compatriots has, over many years, led to their isolation from management […]

Political Participation and Religious Freedom, Immediate Demands

  Interview with Zahedan’s Friday Prayer Leader, Molavi AbdolhamidZahedan’s Friday prayer leader and the leader of the Sistan and Baluchistan province’s Sunni community, Molavi Abdolhamid, describes the Sunni community’s demands from the new administration in an interview with Rooz. Reports recently released by social media networks indicated that Hassan Rohani received the highest margin of […]