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Tag: Nahavand

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (22-07-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. On Thursday 10th July two republican senators submitted the draft plan in order to increase sanctions on Iran, not because of Iran’s nuclear program but regarding human rights issues in Iran.Women’s Right’s1. During the past week, Fatemeh Hashemi, the daughter of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani who is […]

The House of Gonabadi Dervish in Nahavand Was Searched

  Yesterday morning, Tuesday 24 Tir 1393(July 15 2014) some officers, dressed in plainclothes barged into the house of Gonabadi Dervish, Abdollah Yaghoubi in the city of Nahavand, searched his home and confiscated some items of his personal property.According to Majzooban Noor, around 10:50 yesterday morning some some security forces dressed in plain clothes without […]