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Tag: netizens

Iran is world’s leading jailer of female journalists and netizens

Ten women who work in the media are currently behind bars in the Islamic Republic The arrest on 22 July of two journalists and a photographer, including the Tehran correspondent of the Washington Post and his Iranian wife, brings to 65 the number of news providers behind bars in Iran. They include 10 women, of […]

Eight Netizens Arrested While Iran Contemplates Unblocking Facebook and Twitter

  High-ranking Iranian officials are openly using Facebook and Twitter, but for the general user population in Iran, access to these social networks continues to be blocked. According to a Kerman Province Judiciary statement, the Prosecutor for the General and Revolutionary Courts of Rafsanjan said yesterday that eight individuals have been arrested recently for publishing […]

Hope for 54 imprisoned journalists and netizens?

  The presidential and municipal elections held in Iran on 14 June lacked objective media coverage. The more than 50 million Iranian voters were denied freely reported and independent information when making their choice. Nonetheless, although the media were muzzled, Iranians used the elections to express their views and vote against Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s […]

Lives of several imprisoned journalists and netizens in danger

    Around 30 members and supporters of Reporters Without Borders and Iranian activists demonstrated outside the Iran Air office on the Champs Elysées in Paris this afternoon in protest against the arbitrary arrest and torture of journalists and netizens in Iran, some of whom have already died in detention and others are in danger […]