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Tag: pardon

Death sentence becomes life sentence for execution survivor

  A condemned prisoner who survived his own hanging is now only sentenced to life imprisonment, according to the Northern Khorasan chief justice. ILNA reports that Norollah Ghodrati told a press conference: “An application for the prisoner’s pardon was received by the judiciary, and after close deliberation, his sentence was reduced to life imprisonment.” The […]

Case of detained opposition leaders processed by council

Iran’s minister of justice has announced that the case against MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who challenged the 2009 presidential election results, is being processed by the Supreme National Security Council. Mostafa Pour Mohammadi told Iran daily: “The issue of pardons is a serious and fundamental matter in our country, and we are not going […]

More political prisoners to be pardoned by Supreme Leader

  Iran’s intelligence minister announced on Wednesday September 25 that more prisoners are set to be released within the next month. ISNA reports that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has pardoned these political prisoners, adding that Ayatollah Khamenei is inclined to have “this kind of atmosphere persist in the country.” Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi reported […]

Releases of prisoners of conscience after pardon not enough

  Anyone held in Iran solely for the peaceful exercise of their human rights should immediately and unconditionally be released, Amnesty International has said, following the pardoning by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of at least 130 political prisoners, including prisoners of conscience, from Tehran’s Evin Prison.