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Tag: presidential candidates

Candidate Rohani may face belated disqualification

  Iranian media report that the Guardian Council may belatedly disqualify reformist candidate Hassan Rohani from running for president. The Mehr and Fars news agencies quoted an informed source on Sunday June 9 saying Rohani’s possible disqualification is related to his “divulging of secret nuclear intelligence in the televised debates.” According to this report, the […]

Prisoner resumes hunger strike over election

  Mehdi Khazali, the Iranian political prisoner who had ended his hunger strike following the announcement that Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani has registered as a presidential candidate, has resumed his hunger strike. The Neday-e Sabz Azadi website reports that Khazali is once again refusing food after the Guardian Council disqualified the moderate cleric Ayatollah Rafsanjani from […]

Ahmadinejad’s candidate will challenge disqualification

  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke out against the Guardian Council’s disqualification of his chief advisor from the presidential race, saying: “I will pursue the matter until the last moment through the Supreme Leader.” Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying: “I introduced Mr. Mashai and I know him… he has been wronged. But in a country where we […]

Rafsanjani won’t challenge ejection from presidential race

  The head of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s election headquarters announced that the moderate cleric will not challenge his disqualification by the Guardian Council from running in the presidential race. ISNA reports that in an interview, Eshagh Jahangiri confirmed that Hashemi Rafsanjani will not protest the decision. “Hashemi Rafsanjani and his supporters entered the scene with […]

Assessment of candidates by opposition leaders claimed false

  The families of Iranian opposition leaders under house arrest announced today that statements attributed to their parents in the media is false and that MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have not made any assessments of the coming election. Mousavi and Karroubi, candidates in the 2009 presidential elections, have been under house arrest since February […]