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Tag: Raid

33 Female Political Prisoners Demand an Apology from the Head of Evin Prison Following an Aggressive Raid on Female Ward

    33 female political prisoners behind bars at Evin prison have written an open letter to the head of Evin prison. The letter comes on the heals of a hunger strike launched by 9 female political prisoners protesting the highly unusual search and desecration and harassment of female political prisoners at the hands of […]

Political Prisoners at Evin’s Ward 350 Respond with Roars of “Ya Hossein… Mir Hossein ” after a Sudden & Unexpected Raid

  February 2nd, 2012 – [Kaleme] According to reports received from Evin’s ward 350, the men’s ward was raided by security forces who searched the premises and transferred all political prisoners to the prison yard despite the fact that it was snowing.  The raid reportedly angered the prisoners to such a degree that they began […]

Security Forces Raid Iran Newspaper, Beat, Pepper Spray, and Arrest Journalists

  Shortly after an armed raid by security and police forces on Iran Newspaper’s editorial offices today, a journalist present at the scene provided an eyewitness account for the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. “Everyone is still covered in white fire extinguisher powder.