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Tag: Shargh

Iranian Daily Publishes Interview With State Department Official

  On September 30, the reformist “Shargh” daily published an interview with the U.S. State Department’s Persian spokesman, Alan Eyre, in which he was asked about the historic telephone conversation between U.S. President Barack Obama and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rohani, and the dispute over Iran’s nuclear activities. “Shargh” posted the interview together with a […]

Massive Arrests of Journalists in Tehran After Prosecutor Hints “Mouthpiece of Enemy”

          Security forces raided editorial rooms of Tehran-based newspapers and publications Bahar, Shargh, Arman, Etemad, and Aseman Weekly, and arrested several journalists who worked there. According to reports, the forces entered offices for the five publications simultaneously and in addition to arresting the journalists, searched and videotaped the premises.