Author: admin

Insulting the Dervishes Conflict in the Holy Defense Week Fair in Dezful

According to the correspondent of Majzooban Noor, during the holy Defense Week exhibition in the city of Dezful in Khuzestan province, a booth was allocated to depict insulting images toward the elders and masters of Nematollahi Gonabadi Order as well as to furnish an offensive lecture against  mysticism and Sufism exposed with the severe and […]

Turkish experts invited to Tehran conference on Rumi

TEHRAN — Turkish Rumi experts Adnan Karaismailoglu and Erdogan Erol have been invited to the Fourth International Conference on Rumi, which will open in Tehran this Thursday. Karaismailoglu and Erol will be the special guests of the meeting, which will take place at the Shahid Beheshti University International Conference Center, director of the conference, Saeid […]

Sufi Followings among Baluchi Women: Rituals, Poetry and literature ( part two)

 2. Feministic Sufism Discussion of the question of the female role in Sufism would not be complete without citing the famous expert on Muslim culture, Professor Annemarie Schimmel. In her book [3] Mystical Dimensions of Islam she points out that “Sufism mare than stern orthodoxy, offered women a certain amount of possibilities to participate actively […]

Sufi Followings among Baluchi Women: Rituals, Poetry and literature (part one)

This study is mainly concerned with the involvement of Baluchi Women in Religious and Sufistic Rituals and Poetry. Another objective of the study is to explore the links between Central Asian and Baluch traditions in this regard. The study focuses on the participation of women in Sufi practices in Baluchistan particularly in the context of […]

International Theosophy Conference, Inc.

A conference regarding Theosophy and Social Responsibility has been recently held in Santa Barbara, California, August 11-14, 2016.The aim of the 2016 Conference is to explore the active connection between Theosophical teachings and social responsibility.  It is pertinent to cite that the objectives of the aforementioned conference were as follows:– How might students of Theosophy […]

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