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This week, the music died

Amjad Sabri, a master of qawwali, the devotional music that is wildly popular across the Indian subcontinent and well beyond, was gunned down in Karachi, Pakistan. The man who spent his life singing the praises of the prophet Muhammad, continuing a centuries-long tradition of musical veneration, was accused of blaspheming the prophet, and he was […]

His holiness Mr. Haj, Dr. Noorali Tabandeh (majzoobalishah), the leader of Gonabadi Nematollahi Sufi order ; who was hospitalized returned home.

His holiness Mr. Haj, Dr. Noorali Tabandeh (majzoobalishah), the leader of Gonabadi Nematollahi Sufi order ; who was hospitalized since wednesday, 8th of june , was discharged a few hours ago and returned home.According to the reports, a huge population of dervishes and his followers gathered in front of his house in order to welcome […]

The Weapons of Beauty

shaikh Kabir Helminski A Plenary Talk at the Sufi World Forum, New Delhi, March 18th, 2016 The Weapons of Beauty Bismillah ar Rahman ar Rahim. Allahumma salli wa salim `ala ashrafi nuri jemil enbiya wal mursaleen wal hamdulillahi rabb il alameen. O Our Sustainer, You are Peace and from You comes all Peace and our […]

Sufism can help defeat terrorist ideology, says Egypt’s grand mufti

Sufism can help defeat terrorist ideology, says Egypt’s grand mufti New Delhi, March 19 (IANS) Grand Mufti of Egypt Shawki Allam has said that instilling the concepts of true Sufism was the first step in the effort to defeat terrorist ideology that “operates under the guise of Islam”. In his address at the ongoing World […]

Three Gonabadi dervishes have been released from Adel Abad prison in Shiraz

Yesterday three Gonabadi dervishes, Ebrahim Fazli, Mohammad Ali Sadi and Asghar Karimi, have been released from Adel Abad prison in Shiraz after a month of imprisonment.According to Majzooban Noor last month, these three dervishes, residents of Sarvestan have been arrested when they returned to Sarvestan’s Court. Yesterday, 3rd of April, based on the head of […]

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