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Fatima Zahra (A.S.): The Supreme Example of a Perfect Human Being

  Holy Fatima (s.a.) belongs to the noblest family ever existing throughout the whole history of mankind. Her distinguished father was the very last messenger of Allah, a personality that the Holy Koran introduces him as Oswatun Hasanah (the Best Paradigm). Mother of Holy Fatima (s.a) was a pure lady named Khadija, a godly woman […]

Islam – two antagonistic religions, one name

  Interview on the Quran, Islam, the life of Mohammad and violence in the name of Islam with Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh, Religious Scholar and Researcher in the field of Spirituality, Sufi Master and Advocate for Human Rights. Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh  There is continuous and increasing violence taking place in the name of Islam. […]

In Memory of His Holiness Hajj Sheikh Mohammad Hassan Gonabadi “Saleh Ali Shah”

First day of Bahman 1394 corresponding to 9th of Rabi’ath-thani 1437 is the 49th death anniversary of His Gracious Holiness, the pillar (qutb) of the Gnostics and the trusted Master, Mr. Hajj Shaykh Muhammad Hasan Saleh ‘Ali Shah (may his grave be sanctified), the vicegerent (khalifa) and son of His Holiness Nour ‘Ali Shah the […]

THE EPIC OF SHAHNAMEH FERDOWSI: Chapter 10-The Return of Kai Khosrow

This is the translation of one of the world’s greatest masterpieces The Epic of Shahnameh Ferdowsi (The Epic of Kings: Hero Tales of Ancient Persia) created by Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi (940-1020) World famous Persian (Iranian) poet Chapter 10The Return of Kai Khosrow In a little time it came about that there was born unto […]

Republish: In Memory of His Holliness Sultan Ali Shah Gonabadi

Hazrat Hajj Sultan Mohammad Gonabadi Sultan Ali ShahRenewer of the Nimatullahi Order in Iran Sufism is the spiritual reality of Islam, even if it was not known as “Sufism” at the inception of Islam. Phenomenologically speaking, it proves to be the essence of Islam, which gives life to it, like the soul gives life to […]

On the Occasion of His Holiness Nour Ali Shah’s Death Anniversary; Forward to the Epistle of Zulfaqar

Forward to the Epistle of Zulfaqar(About Forbiddance of Opium Smoking)Written by Haj Mulla Ali Nour Ali Shah GonabadiBy Haj Dr. Nour Ali Tabandeh IntroductionIn Irfan-e-Iran; a journal on mysticism, Vol. 8 (spring 2001), a book named Zulfaqar (About Forbiddance of Opium Smoking) written by His Holiness Haj Mullah Ali Nour Ali Shah Gonabadi was introduced. […]

On the Occasion of Death Anniversary of His Holiness Reza-Ali Shah

3rd Azar 1394 corresponding to 12th of Rabi-ul-awal 1437 is the 23th (23rd) death anniversary of His Holiness Hajj Sultan Hussein Tabandeh Gonabadi “Reza Ali Shah”, the son and successor of Hazrat Hajj Sheikh Mohammad Hasan Salih Ali Shah and the great grand son of the late Sultan Ali Shah. His Holiness, Mr. Reza Ali […]

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