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IRANIAN TRADITIONS & BELIEFS FESTIVAL OF ZAYESHMEHR (YALDA) The Birth of God Mithra & Significance of Winter Solstice in Iranian Culture & Heritage Zayeshmehr* which is known as Yalda and Shab-e Cheleh in Persian is celebrated on the eve of the first day of the winter (December 21-22) in the Iranian calendar, which falls on […]

Mostafa Abdi Released from Evin Prison

Today in the morning 26th of Azar 1394 (December, 17, 2015), Mostafa Abdi, an activist of rights of Gonabadi dervishes, after three years in jail with termination of his conviction was released from Evin prison.The News Website of Gonabadi Dervishes, Majzooban Noor, added that Mostafa Abdi finished three-year prison sentence while during his time in […]

28 Safar death anniversary of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and martyrdom of Imam Hassan (‘A)

28 Safar marks the sad demise of Holy Prophet Muhammad and martyrdom of his elder grandson, Imam Hassan Mujtaba. On this occasion a short biographical overview of the two noble characters will be given here. Prophet Muhammad the last prophet and messenger of God The last prophet of God is Hadrat-i Muhammad – upon whom […]

On the Occasion of Arbaeen: The Hosseini Ashura

The Hosseini Ashura[1]Haj Dr. Nour Ali Tabandeh I seek refuge to Allah, from the accursed Satan. In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful“O, My Lord! Open me my chest and ease me my task and make loose the difficulty from my tongue, till they understand my talk”[2] O! Hossain!The water of the sea […]

Gulestan Of Saadi : Ch 01 The Manner Of Kings ( Story 23-24 )

Ch 01 Manner of Kings Story 23-24 Persian Language & Literature “Gulestan” Saadi Shirazi, Sheikh Mosleh al-Din CHAPTER I – THE MANNERS OF KINGS Story 23One of the servants of Umrulais had fled but some men, having been sent in pursuit, brought him back. The vezier who bore a grudge towards him desired him to […]

Kasra Nouri Released, Conviction Terminated

  Yesterday in the evening (October, 27, 2015), Kasra Nouri, an activist of Rights of Gonabadi dervishes, after four years in jail with termination of his conviction was released from the prison. According to Majzooban Noor, this Gonabadi dervish in his four-year term in prison, more than 100 days had gone on hunger strike in […]

Hussain made a selfless stand for social justice

  Hussain ibn Ali was a 6th century revolutionary leader who made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. He gave everything he had, including his life, for the honour of those around him. Hussain ibn Ali was born in 620 AD to a family famed for their values […]

Shaikh Abul-Hassan Kharaqāni: Anyone who comes to this house, give him food and do not ask about his faith

  Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn Ahmad (or ibn Ja’far) ibn Salmān al-Kharaqāni or Shaikh Abul-Hassan Kharaqāni [also written Kherqāni] (Persian شیخ ابوالحسن خرقانی ) is one of the master Sufis of Islam. He was born in 963 (352 Hijri) from Persian[1] parents in Khorasan in a village called Kharaqan (today located in Semnan province of […]

When you don’t lose yourself… When you lose yourself…

When you don’t lose yourself… When you lose yourself… “Abdulkarim Soroush”   When you don’t lose yourself, the beloved is like a thorn When you lose yourself, the beloved is the purest gold When you don’t lose yourself, a fly can fell you When you lose yourself, elephants fall before you When you don’t lose […]

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