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Continued Arrests in Kurdistan; No News of Kurdish Activists

Last week, Iranian security forces arrested two Kurdish citizens in Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province. Citing Norooz Website, Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) has reported that Jalal Naseri and Qasem Rahimi have been arrested and taken to the Intelligence Agency’s office in the city of Mahabad.

On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Rahim Bajor was summoned to the Intelligence Agency in the city of Marivan and was detained subsequently. Rahim Bajor is a student in Payam Nur University in Marivan.

Furthermore, another Kurdish student, Khabat Arefi, has been locked up behind bars for more than a month in the Intelligence Agency’s detention center in Marivan, and there has been no news of him thus far. Khabat Arefi is a resident of Chor Village near the city of Marivan.


Source : HRANA News Agency